Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm Not Perfect

I've had a number of occasions when I was put into bad situations.  When I first started to wear a bra, a boy down the street from me followed me with a group of boys, tackled me and lifted my shirt up to show everyone my bra.  My friend's brother and his friend had a fort and they wanted me to pull down my pants. 
The brothers sister said I was afraidy cat because she would pull her pants down why wouldn't I? I did have them go out of the fort, look through a hose while I showed them my belly button.  A man in a truck with a camper shell would follow me home, open his door to invite me in for a ride and continue to drive, prompting me to get in.  I never took that ride. A new boy moved into the house next to us.  When I would be outside he would ask me to the side of the house.  He then would twist my arm and threaten that if I didn't kiss him he would tell everyone something bad about me.  The man across the street would stand outside at the same time every night when I was in my bedroom changing.  I finally asked my mom if I could have a shade for my window.  I felt alone because I never told anyone what I was going through.

All of that was nothing compared to what I would experience when I turned 18.  I had low self esteem.  I really don't know how it happened but when I was working at Wendy's a few frequent diners would come in.  This guy who worked next door kept coming in and talking to me.  He started to bring me gifts and then eventually asked me out.  Because my dad was prejudice, I was afraid to tell them of this guy.  Since I could drive, I would sneak to meet with him.  I would lie about where I was going, so nobody even knew what was going on. On one of these meetings he raped me.  I was in a cheap hotel, thinking we were going out, and he raped me.  I was in shock, took a shower in the hotel and cryed. I went home and didn't tell. 

He had taken my virginity.  The one thing that I wanted to save for marriage, to give to my husband.  I felt guilty and thought that God would only forgive me if I married him.  So I had to decide to introduce him to my family.  I had him meet me at my home introduced him to my family and we went to the mall.  He looked at rings and told me he wanted to marry me without my having to ask him to marry me. 

My dad had a lot of connections.  While we were at the mall, my dad looked through this guys car.  He gave that information to his police friends.  My dad's friends told them things to look for, like if I was being drugged and to keep tabs on me.

I went to lunch with this guy and we met up with one of his friends.  They were both of the same ethnic group so they spoke in their language.  I heard money mentioned and could understand a few things, because they would throw in English here and there, but not much. He also had me talk to someone on the phone that was his "sister". After that meeting, we had made arrangements to meet at his hotel.  I was at my friends house and called the guy.  Someone else answered, the guy was being raided and arrested.  The police had answered and told me to not come to the hotel. 

I told my parents about the rape.  My mom took me to the doctor and I was given what I believe to now be the "day after pill".  I did have my period eventually but for a bit, thought I could be pregnant.  When I talked to my parents, it was the first time my dad told me he loved me.  We never talked about what happened again.

I did meet with the detective who had been on my case.  I had found out the man who raped me was here illegally.  They had found a lacing of drugs on the pop he had been giving me to drink.  He was also involved with a slavery ring.  He was deported but before he left, he wrote to me from prison to tell me how much he loved me.  I didn't respond to that letter, but I did hold onto that letter from him, for a long time.  I have of course since thrown that letter away.

I thank God.  Although I had made some really dumb decisions and had placed myself in a scary situation, God watched over me.  He used my dad to talk to the right people so they could take me out of this nightmare. 

I don't know why I experienced all that I did.  I'm lucky to not be dead, or out on the street high on drugs.  God spared me from a life of hell.  I'm thankful for His love and protection.

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