Sunday, January 9, 2011

Guardian Angels

Angels watching over me every step I take, Angels watching over me. I love this song by Amy Grant.  I have had an interest in Angels and believe in Angels.  I believe that I've had encounters with Angels.  I'll share my stories and you can decide, Angel or not. 

My first husband and I lived right on Bethany Home Road. We lived on a corner lot and there was always loud traffic on the road.  This first story may not have been an Angel but I want to share with you anyway what happened one day while we were away.

JA and I were at work when he received a phone call from the police there had been an attempted break-in.  Apparently the neighbor who lived on the other side of an ally behind us heard breaking of glass.  The burglar wasn't able to get into the house because he had been scared away.  I truly can't believe how he had heard the glass break with all the traffic in the middle of the day but he did.  We had to replace our bedroom window and clean up glass but had nothing stolen.  I had prayed before we moved in and continually after living there that God would have Guardian Angels protecting us and our home.

Shortly after JA moved out I had shared with our two neighbors I was alone.  My neighbor next door had given me his phone number in case I needed anything when I was home.  Our neighborhood was not as safe as it had once been.  A woman had been found dead after being dumped in the ally across the street from me so we were all on edge.  

One night I awoke to an orange glow in my bedroom.  I looked out the window to see my neighbors oleanders on fire. The oleanders were like a fence between us and very tall.  He had a shed in the corner that had paint in it.  I called him on the phone and awoke him and his wife.  There was static on the line so I could only tell him his house was on fire when the phone went dead.  I was worried about what to do when my door bell rang interrupting my thoughts.  A man was at my door and I was afraid to open it to him.  He yelled at me he was driving by on his motorcycle and there was a fire.  I cracked the door open and asked him if he would help me.  I told him I had a baby and the grass was dry would he help me.  He said he would go in the backyard and water down the grass.  I went to my bedroom to get dressed and peaked out my window to see what he was doing.  He was watering down the grass for me so I felt safe to go in the front yard to water down the lawn out front.  People were out front and soon the fire department arrived.  I went to tell the man thank-you for his help but couldn't find him.  I never did see his motorcycle nor did I hear him drive off. 

Another time I thought to have seen an Angel could be true or not.  I was going to dinner by myself at a Mexican Restaurant that was in a strip mall.  After I parked and was walking to the restaurant I saw a homeless man.  I knew he would ask me for money but honestly knew I had no cash to give him.  He did indeed stop me and asked for change but I had nothing to give to him.  I went inside and while I was being seated, I thought what would it hurt if I asked to buy his dinner? I felt scared but thought I would be safe enough to offer him dinner.  I went outside to find him, but he was no where to be found.  Now, could he have been an Angel? I really don't know because not a lot of time passed by from my going inside that I wouldn't have seen him walking when I went to look for him.  But, maybe it was just a man, I will never know.

My third experience was here recently.  I was driving home after a busy day at work.  I was analyzing in my head everything that had happened that day.  The traffic was a bit heavy on the road opposite of me.  I pulled into the middle lane to wait to turn across traffic.  I glanced to the sidewalk, didn't see anything so I turned into the neighborhood.  When I turned what I didn't see was a young man on his bicycle going across the street that I was turning on.  He quickly swerved from hitting the front of my truck.  Not only did an Angel protect him, but I was kept from being hit on the back end of my truck.  I quickly thanked God for his protecting that young man because he really would have been hurt if I had hit him.

1 comment:

  1. I totally believe in guardian angels. Have you ever read the Frank Peretti series "This Present Darkness" and "Piercing the Darkness?" Those books really opened my eyes to the unseen spiritual world that is in a daily battle for our souls.
    I've had experiences like yours where you're left scratching your head and wondering if you've just met an angel. It's awesome!
